Start your skateboard adventure.

Explore the world of skateboarding with Custom Decks in this tutorial.

At Custom Decks, skateboarding is more than just a sport or a hobby; it's a vibrant culture, an expressive art form, and above all, a welcoming community that you are now a part of. Whether it's your first time stepping on a board or you want to refine your skills, our tutorials are your guides, helping you navigate every turn and new trick. But let's start at the beginning.

You've got your first board under your feet, what now? This is where your adventure begins. With Custom Decks by your side, you're not just learning; you're embarking on a life-changing experience that starts with a push and leads to the heights of the biggest ramps. So get ready, grab your board, and let's embark on this journey together, step by step.



From your first roll to your first real tricks, at Custom Decks, you'll learn everything you need to know about the basics of skateboarding.

With tutorials that facilitate a great start in skateboarding, we have a strong foundation for the beginner skateboarder. Our lessons are divided into clear sections, each focusing on a different aspect of skateboarding:

  • Basic Skills: Here, we lay the foundations to get you started on the right foot.
  • Tricks for Beginners: Start with simple tricks and gradually build your skills.
  • Ollies and Shuv-its: Once you're ready to learn tricks with pop, we have the first steps ready for you.
  • Exploring Different Disciplines: Skateboarding consists of various disciplines. Which one suits you best?

Each tutorial has been carefully developed by experienced skateboarders and offers clear step-by-step explanations, practical tips, and visual aids. We ensure that our content is always up-to-date with the latest information from the skateboarding world.

But at Custom Decks, it's not just about learning new tricks. We invite you to become part of our community. Share your experiences, celebrate your successes, and find support from fellow skateboarders. We're working on a platform to connect with other (aspiring) skaters and grow together in this sport.

Our tutorial page will continuously expand with new lessons and interactive content to enrich your skateboarding experience. We're here to support your progress and ensure a fun and valuable time.

So, what are you waiting for? Start your skate adventure today, find your balance, and let us inspire you. At Custom Decks, we move forward together.

Let's start the journey together!


The basics.

What is my stance?

To start skateboarding, it's important to know which foot you place in front, your 'lead foot.' You can discover this through a simple trick:

  1. Stand upright and have someone gently push you. The foot you instinctively move forward to maintain your balance is likely your lead foot.
  2. Another method is to take a small jump and observe which foot you automatically move forward when landing.

If your left foot is in front, your stance is "regular." If your right foot is in front, your stance is "goofy."

Once you know your preferred foot, you can follow the next steps to start skateboarding:

Foot Placement:

  • Stand on the skateboard with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Place your front foot (lead foot) just behind the front trucks.
  • Position your back foot on or just in front of the rear trucks.

Find Balance:

  • Lean slightly forward and backward to find your balance point.
  • Keep your knees slightly bent and your body relaxed.

Practice on Grass or Carpet:

  • Start on a stationary surface like grass or carpet to get used to the movement without the board rolling away.

Learning to Roll:

  • Push with one foot on the ground to get the board moving.
  • Place your pushing foot back on the board and point both feet forward.
  • Start with a slow speed and gradually increase it.


  • To turn, shift your weight to your toes (for toeside turns) or to your heels (for heelside turns).
  • Practice making slow turns and gradually make them sharper.


  • For more control, practice tic-tacs by making small, quick movements with your front foot, moving the front part of the board from left to right. Lean gently on the "tail" to lift your front wheels.

By following these steps and practicing regularly, you will master the basics of skateboarding. Safety always comes first, so wear protective gear and start slowly. Enjoy your skateboarding!

Tricks for beginners.

Once you are comfortable standing, rolling, and steering on your skateboard, you can start with some basic tricks without popping the board. These tricks will help you build your board feel and control.

1. Manual

  • Roll at a comfortable speed.
  • Place your back foot on the tail and your front foot near the front trucks.
  • Lean slightly backward to lift the front of the board.
  • Balance on your back wheels and use your arms to maintain your balance.
  • Try to maintain the manual as long as possible.

2. Caveman

  • Hold your skateboard in the same hand as the leg you use to stand in front.
  • Jump up, let your skateboard fall beneath you, and safely land with both feet on the deck.
  • Ensure your knees are bent to absorb the impact.

3. Chinese Nollie

  • Roll slowly towards a small curb or crack in the sidewalk.
  • Place your back foot so that the board hits the edge and lifts the nose of the board.
  • Use this momentum to push the board forward while leaning forward.

4. Hippie Jump

  • Start rolling at a steady speed.
  • Find an object low enough to safely jump over, like a rope or small bar.
  • Jump vertically while letting your board roll under you.
  • Land back on the board after passing the object.

5. Boneless

  • While rolling, grab the side of the skateboard with your front hand at the front trucks.
  • Step off the board with your front foot and place it on the ground.
  • Jump with your back foot, lift the board, and jump back on the board from the ground.
  • Ensure both feet are back on the board and roll away.

Closing Tips:

  • Protection is important. Always wear a helmet and protective pads.
  • Start slowly and increase difficulty as you become more comfortable.
  • Patience is a virtue. Keep practicing if you don't get it right away.


How to Learn Ollies and Shuv-its?

Tutorial for an Ollie

The ollie is the cornerstone of many skateboard tricks. It's the action of jumping and taking the skateboard into the air without using your hands.

Foot Position

  • Place your back foot on the tail of your skateboard, ready to pop (the tail or rear end).
  • Position your front foot roughly in the middle of the board for balance.


  • Bend your knees to prepare for the jump.
  • Forcefully pop the tail down to the ground with your back foot to get the board into the air (the pop).
  • Jump with your back foot as soon as the tail touches the ground.
  • Slide your front foot forward towards the skateboard's nose to level it in the air.


  • Keep an eye on where you will land.
  • Bend your knees as you land to absorb the impact.

Start practicing while stationary and then proceed to move once you feel comfortable.

Tutorial for a Shuv-it

The shuv-it is a trick where the skateboard rotates 180 degrees under you while your body remains in the same position.

Foot Position

  • Back foot at the edge of the tail for the shuv-it motion.
  • Front foot in the middle of the board for steering.


  • Use your back foot to push the skateboard's tail sideways, which is different from the ollie where you push the tail downward.
  • Use your front foot to steer and control the board during the rotation.


  • Watch the skateboard to time your landing.
  • Land your feet on the board as soon as it completes the rotation.

Begin practicing without jumping and then add a small hop once you've mastered the motion.


How to Learn Transition Skating?

Learning a Drop-In

If you want to learn how to 'drop in' on a ramp or bowl, follow these steps:


  • Find a suitable beginner's ramp, such as a small quarterpipe or mini-ramp. Start small to build confidence.

Positioning Your Board:

  • Place your skateboard with the tail (the rear part) on the edge of the ramp, also known as the 'coping.' Your back foot should press down on the tail to keep the board stable.

Foot Placement: 

  • Your front foot should be placed near the front trucks on the screws (bolts). At this point, all your weight should still rest on your back foot.

The Drop-In Moment:

  • Lean forward and shift your weight from your back foot to your front foot. This moment requires some courage because your body needs to lean forward; it can feel counterintuitive but is essential to avoid falling backward.


  • As you ride into the ramp, keep your body in a straight line. Don't lean too far forward, as you might fall forward, and don't lean too far backward, as you might fall backward.

Practice Makes Perfect:

  • Repeat the 'drop-in' a few times to overcome the fear and become more comfortable with the motion. The more you practice, the more natural it will feel.

Start slowly and take your time to increase your comfort level. It's a mental and physical challenge, but with patience and practice, you'll master it!


Learning to Ride a Bowl Corner/Pumping in the Curve

If you want to master pumping in the corners of a bowl or riding in the curve, here are the steps you can follow:

Start Slowly:

  • Find a bowl or mini-ramp where you feel comfortable. It's about getting a feel for the motion without diving into the deep end right away.

Your Posture:

  • Roll into the bowl corner with a relaxed posture. Keep your knees slightly bent and your body ready to move with the flow of the bowl.

The Action:

  • As you approach the rising side, squat down. This is like winding up a spring. Once you enter the corner, extend your legs to catch the speed.

At the Peak:

  • When you reach the highest point, just before gravity pulls you back down, do a small 'unweight.' It's not a jump but more of a light lift-off to maintain your flow.

Back into the Corner:

  • As you roll back into the corner, squat down again. The key is to do this rhythmically, like performing a dance with gravity.

Find Your Rhythm:

  • Pumping is a matter of finding rhythm with the bowl, a continuous up and down motion that builds your speed.

Keep Practicing:

  • Practice makes perfect. Keep trying, feel yourself getting faster, and gain more confidence in mastering the bowl corners and curves.


  • Stay relaxed. If you're too tense, your movement will be limited, and it will be harder to build speed.

With these steps and enough practice, you'll soon be cruising through bowl corners and curves with more confidence and speed. Don't give up and keep practicing; it will come naturally!



Further Transition Basic Lip Tricks

Transition skateboarding involves a variety of lip tricks performed on the edge of ramps, such as halfpipes and bowls. Here are the basic steps for some fundamental lip tricks:

Rock to Fakie

Starting Position:

  • Roll straight towards the coping and make sure you have enough speed to get the nose of your board over the coping.


  • As you approach the coping, lean slightly backward so that the nose of your skateboard touches the coping and tilts over it ("rock").


  • Shift your weight back to your rear foot and tilt your board back into the ramp to roll backward ("to fakie").

Rock and Roll

Approaching the Coping:

  • Just like with Rock to Fakie, roll toward the coping.


  • As your board touches the coping, rotate 180 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise, so you're facing the direction you'll roll back down.

Return to the Ramp:

  • Once the rotation is complete, guide your board back into the ramp and roll away.

Axle Stall


  • Approach the coping with enough speed to get both trucks on the coping.


  • Once both trucks touch the coping, use your momentum to "stall," finding balance while standing on the coping.


  • Lean forward and push off with your rear foot to get the trucks off the coping and roll back into the ramp.
  • Feeble Stall


  1. Similar to the Axle Stall, but this time, you turn your rear truck to the coping while your front truck hangs over the coping.


  • Find your balance in this position, with your rear truck on the coping and your front truck in the air.


  • Rotate your front truck back over the coping and push off to roll back into the ramp.

5-0 Stall

Approaching the Coping:

  • Roll toward the coping and pop your ollie just before reaching the coping.

Stall Position:

  • Place your rear truck on the coping and balance on your rear truck (similar to a manual) while keeping your front truck in the air.

Back into the Ramp:

  • Use your rear foot to push off and guide your front truck back over the coping, allowing you to roll back into the ramp.

With each trick, it's important to practice your speed, balance, and timing. Start with low speed and small ramps and build from there. And most importantly, always wear protection and take your time to learn each trick safely.

Discover Your Own Style.

You've built a solid foundation: from standing and rolling steadily on your deck to mastering those first ollies and shuv-its. You've even dipped your toes into transition skateboarding, felt the thrill of a drop-in, and experienced your first lip tricks. With these skills in your bag, you're ready for the next step: finding your own style.

Skateboarding is as diverse as the people who practice it. It's not just about the tricks you learn but also about how you execute them, how you move, and how your board seems to respond to your commands. Now is the time to play with what you've learned and discover what makes you unique on your board.

Look around, get inspired by others' styles, but don't just copy blindly. Your personal twist on a trick or a line makes it your signature. Maybe your passion lies in the flow of a bowl or the technical precision of street skating. Whether you love powerful, fast moves or graceful, fluid lines, it's time to explore that.

And remember: skateboarding is fun, so laugh at your bails and celebrate your makes. The skate community is here to uplift each other, so share your adventures, your progress, and even your missteps. Everyone has their own story, and your story is just beginning.

Grab your board, challenge yourself, and find that style that feels like home. The world is at your wheels; it's time to roll!



What should I expect from my first visit to a skatepark?

Answer: Expect an environment with people of various skill levels. Start slowly, observe how others do it, and respect unwritten rules like taking turns.

Is skateboarding hard to learn?

Like many sports, skateboarding takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small progress.

Is skateboarding dangerous?

There are risks, but wearing protective gear and starting on simple terrain can help reduce the risk.

When is the best time to skateboard?

You can practice best when skateparks or practice areas are not too crowded, such as early mornings or weekdays.

How often should I practice to get better?

Consistency is key. Try to practice multiple times a week so your muscles and brain can learn the movements.

What tricks should I learn as a beginner?

Start with the basics like ollies, pop shove-its, and manuals before moving on to more complex tricks.

Who should I skateboard with?

Skateboarding with friends or in a group can be motivating, but make sure you also have individual practice time.

Is skateboarding a serious sport?

Yes, skateboarding can be both a fun activity and a serious sport. There are even professional competitions, and it's part of the Olympic Games.

Can I take lessons at a skateboard school?

Certainly, many skateparks offer lessons for beginners. This is an excellent way to learn the basics safely and correctly.

How long can I skateboard continuously?

Start with short sessions of 30-60 minutes to avoid overexertion and injuries, gradually increasing as your fitness improves.

These answers can help ensure a safe and enjoyable start in the world of skateboarding.

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